

HEMA (Heavy Machinery Fair) is the first heavy machinery fair and conference held in Estonia and the Baltic states.

The trade fair is a great opportunity to present building machinery and municipal equipment, agricultural and forestry machinery, lift trucks, trucks, commercial vehicles, trailers, and relevant innovative products and services including tyres and hydraulic components. Sellers of repair equipment, spare parts and accessories will also be represented at the fair. The events to take place at the fair include machinery presentations, demonstrations and tests drives. The Baltic Heavy Machinery fair is an event meant for anyone in the field. See you at HEMA!

To the website of the fair: www.hemafair.eu 

HEMA (Heavy Machinery Fair) on Eesti ja Baltimaade esimene rasketehnika mess ja konverents. 

Messil tutvustatakse ehitus- ja kommunaaltehnikat, metsandus- ja põllumajandustehnikat, tõstukeid, veokeid, tarbesõidukeid, haagiseid, teemaga seonduvaid innovaatilisi tooteid ja teenuseid rehvidest hüdraulikani. Messil on esindatud ka lisatarvikute, remondiseadmete ja varuosade müüjad. Toimuvad masinate demod, esitlused ja proovisõidud. Baltikumi rasketehnika mess on sündmus kõigile eriala inimestele, kohtumiseni HEMA-l!

Messi kodulehele: www.hemafair.ee

HEMA 2022 aftermovie