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Veetehnikamess - Sõidame merele! missioon: Anda ülevaade Eesti pakutavatest merendusvaldkonna toodetest ja teenustest ning väärtusahelas tegutsevatest organisatsioonidest ja ettevõtjatest. Messil saab teha proovisõite ja tutvuda meretehnikaga nii maal kui merel!

Veetehnikamess - Sõidame merele! toimus 2021. aastal Haven Kakumäel.

Messi kodulehele: www.veetehnikamess.ee 

The mission of Marine Fair - To The Sea!: To provide our people and those who visit Estonia with an overview of the current situation and development of the products and services in the sphere of watercraft and accompanying equipment. This is where you will be able to do “test drives” and see plenty of marine and water-related land equipment. 

Marine Fair - To The Sea! was held in 2021 at Haven Kakumäe.

To the website of the fair: www.marinefair.ee